<aside> 💡 「WJD2022 in Fukuoka」の公式イベントページです



名称 WJD2022 in Fukuoka
日時 2022年6月18日(土)10:00-16:30
場所 https://goo.gl/maps/KV8VxSener8pRiXp8 小ホール
参加費 無料
対象 誰でも(初級者からベテランまで)




<aside> 🌎 気楽にジャグリングを楽しめるWorld Juggling Day



World Juggling Day はIJA(国際ジャグリング協会)によって設立された記念日。


The goal of World Juggling Day is to spread the joy of juggling around the world

Happy World Juggling Day!!!

For more than 25 years, the International Jugglers’ Association has proudly hosted World Juggling Day, an event you can celebrate wherever you are in the world! The International Jugglers’ Association was founded on June 17, 1947. To celebrate, World Juggling Day is held every year on the Saturday closest to June 17. Originally established as National Juggling Day, the name was changed in 1995 to reflect the international goals of the IJA.

World Juggling Day

Time Table